BLOG – Winner, Last chance to win & Final Sneak Preview of I Am A Bregdan Woman!

  I’m here to announce the 2nd Kindle winner and give you ONE more chance to claim the last one I’m giving away.  I’ll draw the 3rd winner in 24 hours!! The snow has all melted (YAY!) and now blue skies and a soft breeze beckons me outside.  Alas, I have to ignore its call… Continue reading BLOG – Winner, Last chance to win & Final Sneak Preview of I Am A Bregdan Woman!

1st Kindle Winner, 2nd Sneak Peek & the Great Zoo Hoax!

Greetings from snowy Bellingham!  I’m happy to say our 14 inches of beautiful, white fluff is beginning to melt, but it’s been so very beautiful.  Since I knew it was coming, I stocked up on food.  Living at the end of a 400-foot driveway with a steep incline is a really great situation to decide… Continue reading 1st Kindle Winner, 2nd Sneak Peek & the Great Zoo Hoax!