Do you know the Magic of TOMORROW??

To read all my Blogs go to:

First of all, I received hundreds of amazing responses to my last BLOG.  My dream is to answer every single email I receive but at this point, if I do that, you’ll never get the next book!  Just please know I’ve read every single one of them.  I have been inspired, challenged, and reminded – yet again – that I have the most amazing readers in the world.  THANK YOU to all who have responded.  I’m collecting many of these emails for a future book. 🙂  Don’t worry – I’ll check with you first if I’m going to use your story. 🙂

Now, on to what I want to tell you today…

The Covid pandemic has created time for some things I never would have envisioned there being time for.  Like binge watching all seven seasons of West Wing.  I loved it!  There were many memorable lines and scenes, but the very last one is what has stuck in my heart and mind.

During the last show, President Jed Bartlett has just finished her term.  He’s on his way back to his home in New Hampshire after 8 intense years in the White House, staring out the window as the world unfolds below him. 

His wife, Abby, asks him, “What are you thinking about right now?”

He turns to gaze at her, pauses for a long moment and then says, “Tomorrow”.


Wow!  That simple answer impacted me so much.  He wasn’t thinking about what had happened during the last eight years of being the President of the United States.  He wasn’t thinking about the loss she expected him to be feeling right in that moment. He was thinking about…


About what was coming next.  I have thought so much about his answer.  It has challenged me greatly. 


While I appreciate the things I have learned in my life so far, it is behind me.  There is only…


While I’m grateful for all I’ve experienced, it’s over.  There is only…


While I’m proud of all I’ve created to date, it has only begun.  There is only…


The only way to live my life full out… the only way to live my mantra of “There are adventures to be had”… the only way to truly embrace Ruin Is The Road To Transformation…

Is to lose myself in the reality of TOMORROW.

What do you want your TOMORROW to be?

Embrace what was but spread your arms wide for what is to come. Life is a grand adventure when you set your eyes on what is yet to be. 

I “met” some amazing women through Facebook recently.

Eileen Kramer is 106.  Yes, you read that right.  She’s been a dancer all her life.  She still is.  Eileen can no longer perform some of the moves she did decades ago, so she has created her TOMORROW every single day – developing new creative techniques that allow her to follow her dreams and live her passion.

She chooses to live with her eyes on TOMORROW.

Trudy Smith, an Australian painter, didn’t pick up a brush until she was 85.  In 2018, at 102 years of age, she was still painting.    It was a mixture of loneliness and newfound freedom that gave her the courage to start pursuing her passion following her husband’s death.  She is incredibly talented and her art is well-loved. When most people would have stopped living after being widowed at 85, she chose to set her eyes on? 

You got it…


The stories I read online led me to more and more people in their 90’s and 100’s that are doing amazing things! Sky diving.  Breaking swimming records.  Getting educational degrees.  Starting foundations to make a difference.

But… I’m not just talking to people in the later years of their life.

I’m talking to YOU. You might be 90.  You might be 20.  Or somewhere in between.

There is no age limit to when people become stuck in the past. 

There is no age limit to when people lose their excitement for tomorrow. 

So I challenge you. What will your TOMORROW be? 

Embrace what was but spread your arms wide to TOMORROW.

Forgive what was and spread your arms wide to TOMORROW.

Heal from the past and spread your arms wide to TOMORROW.

I believe in you!  


I’ve had several people who have written recently to tell me they discovered my Bregdan Woman Journals, and wanted to know why I don’t tell people about them.  I promise I’m not keeping them hidden – there’s just been a lot of things going on.

But honestly?? 

I believe they may be the most powerful thing I’ve ever created.  At any time, they are powerful, but right now, in the midst of a world-wide Pandemic, may be the most beneficial time for you to get your own Bregdan Woman’s Journal and chronicle life, dreams… what your TOMORROW will be!

There are 16 covers you can choose from, but here are a few of them:

Review:  This Journal has changed my life!  It’s given me a place to figure out my life, my thoughts, and my goals, but it has also inspired me, motivated me, and prompted me to action.  I never dreamed a Journal could do so much.  Thank you, Ginny!

Are you a BREGDAN WOMAN?  Do you want to be one?

My shelves are full of Journals I have kept over the years. I treasure them for the memories, but mostly I treasure them because writing down my thoughts, hopes, fears, accomplishments and failures, helped me become the woman I am today. A BREGDAN WOMAN.

I strive every day to become more of the woman I desire to be. So many of you have asked me for help in becoming the woman you truly want to be. This is the best gift I could possibly give you…

The BREGDAN WOMAN Journal is like none you have ever seen. F

irst, it needs to be big enough to really allow you to journal your life – so it’s 500+ pages!

Each 8 1/2 X 11 page is lined and ready for you.

You have 16 different covers to choose from.

They are all right here on the Series page.

But that is just the beginning…  It doesn’t matter what day of the year you start your journal – it will be with you for 365 days – until you’re ready for your next one.

A Journal becomes even more of a treasure when it becomes even more than a Journal.  The Bregdan Woman Journals are so much more than a Journal.  

You’ll find Bregdan Woman Stories – amazing people who will make you realize you can do ANYTHING with your life. (52 stories for every week of the year)

Every single day you’ll get a Bregdan Woman Quote.  

You’ll be challenged with 100+ Bregdan Woman Actions for how you can make a difference with your life.

And every day you’ll have a place to write down your feelings, thoughts, challenges, hurts, disappointments, successes, celebrations, relationships, actions, experiences, adventures – all the things your life is made of. 

It will empower you to move beyond your fears and doubts – becoming a BREGDAN WOMAN who can live the life you dream of.  

The Bregdan Woman Journals will become irreplaceable treasures as you look back on your life!

Here’s the thing… In my many years of working with women I have watched as one after another falter when they reach the “Real World.” You start out with such great dreams. You are full of energy and hope – determined to make your mark on the world. Then you face the reality of unkind people; cruel words; failed attempts; unforeseen obstacles; and a myriad of other “Real Life” situations. Your dreams crumble before the onslaught.

It doesn’t have to be that way! No matter where you are in life – you are weighed down with regrets and disappointments, and you wonder if this is all your life will be.

Perhaps you think you are too old to change… to have the life you envision… to make a difference.
Nonsense! I firmly believe that as long as you are still breathing, you still have a purpose – and you have the ability to create a different life for yourself.  

You will meet incredible people in the next 365 days, and have the opportunity to meet yourself in a way you probably never have before…  

You’ll become a Bregdan Woman who can conquer everything that comes your way – making your dreams come true.  If you have a safe place to write down your experiences and all the things you learn along the way – NOTHING will stop you from living the life you dream of right this minute!

It’s my honor to be part of your journey with you.

Let’s get with it!
Ginny Dye

Click Here to check out The Bregdan Woman Journals!  



I’ve had many of you ask me for some pictures of my new home.  We’re loving the sunshine and warmth down here.  The beauty astonishes us every day!


I’ll share some in each Blog!  

Have you made me cry?? Or laugh?? Or made me so very glad I have the best readers in the world??

If you’ve written a review of one of my books, you probably did. 🙂 Every time I get a little overwhelmed by the pressures of research or writing, I go to Amazon and read my Reviews. They never fail to give me the motivation and energy to continue forward.

As I bring # 18 (Journey To Joy) to life, it would mean the world to me if you would go and leave a review for one (or more) of The Bregdan Chronicles. I will consider it a personal message from you to me…

I’m even going to make it easy for you. 🙂

Write a Review for Storm Clouds Rolling In    

Write a Review for On To Richmond

Write a Review for Spring Will Come

Write a Review for Dark Chaos

Write a Review for The Last, Long Night

Write a Review for Carried Forward By Hope

Write a Review for Glimmers of Change

Write a Review for Shifted By The Winds

Write a Review for Always Forward

Write a Review for Walking Into The Unknown

Write a Review for Looking To The Future

Write a Review for Horizons Unfolding

Write a Review for The Twisted Road of One Writer

Write a Review for Misty Shadows of Hope

Write a Review for Shining Through Dark Clouds

Write a Review for Courage Rising Write a Review for Renewed By Dawn

Thank you for making it possible for me to write The Bregdan Chronicles!


Ginny Dye

1037 NE 65th St #80266
Seattle Washington 98115

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