Will You Help Me Write The Next Book??

To read all my Blogs go to:  www.AVoiceInTheWorldBlog.com

I’m sending a BLOG again so soon after the last one, because I need you to help me write this next book. 

That means YOU!

Many years ago, I created a small paperback book called Bregdan Wisdom.  It contains quotes from books 1 – 3.  Nice, but it certainly doesn’t represent the (currently) 19 volumes of the Bregdan Chronicles. 

Many of you have begged me to create a new book that contains favorite quotes.

It’s time. 

The new book will be hardcover and full of what makes you love Bregdan! 

I’m going to do this before I finish # 20.  Don’t worry – I’m working on it!  There are just some days I need something to do that requires a little less brain power. 🙂

Which means I need your help. 

Will you please send me your favorite quotes from the books?

 Perhaps you have underlined them in a print book.  Perhaps you highlighted them in your Kindle version.  Perhaps you put some in your journal – many of you tell me you do that!

No matter where you have them, would you take a few minutes and email them to me.  I need you to tell me which book they came from so I don’t spend forever trying to track them down. 🙂   You can send me as many as you like!

I want to know what speaks to you.  If you have time and desire to tell me, I’d love to know what makes a particular quote special to you.  If you don’t have time to do that, just sending the quote(s) will be much appreciated.

And… do we have photographers out there with favorite nature photos of at least 300 resolution – necessary for print? 

I have many photos but would love to include you in the book!  Each picture taken by a reader will receive credit.   I may not be able to include them all, but I will appreciate every one I receive.  And who knows, your photo may show up in the next volume!

What a joy it will be to have this book created in tandem with my readers! Please send what you have to ginnydye@earthlink.net.


I hear from many readers who tell me they have read or listened to the entire Bregdan Chronicles series more than once.  I had a fascinating exchange with one of them recently…

Good morning Ginny! I’m so very happy you are on the mend and getting back to some normalcy in your life! I write this as I place “Looking to the Future” down on the end table and think about getting to my day. I started re-reading your books slowly and carefully as I continue to get more and more out of them.

Thanks Carol!  I know just how you feel.  Every time I go back to reread one of the books, I get something new from it.  I believe it’s because we are a different person every time we read a book.  You’re never the same person you were yesterday.  You notice different things… need different things… are open to learning different things.  I learn just as much from writing them as you do from reading them. 🙂
Thank you for this Ginny! And here I was told I just have a very poor memory! I love your reasoning MUCH better! In thinking back, I know you are right!!

Yes, Carol… I’m right!! 🙂


I’m not going to write anything else in this email because I want you to spend your time sending me quotes!  THANK YOU!! 


Have you made me cry?? Or laugh?? Or made me so very glad I have the best readers in the world??

If you’ve written a review of one of my books, you probably did. 🙂 Every time I get a little overwhelmed by the pressures of research or writing, I go to Amazon and read my Reviews. They never fail to give me the motivation and energy to continue forward.

As I bring # 20 (Walking Toward Freedom) to life, it would mean the world to me if you would go and leave a review for one (or more) of The Bregdan Chronicles. I will consider it a personal message from you to me…

I’m even going to make it easy for you. 🙂

Write a Review for Storm Clouds Rolling In    

Write a Review for On To Richmond

Write a Review for Spring Will Come

Write a Review for Dark Chaos

Write a Review for The Last, Long Night

Write a Review for Carried Forward By Hope

Write a Review for Glimmers of Change

Write a Review for Shifted By The Winds

Write a Review for Always Forward

Write a Review for Walking Into The Unknown

Write a Review for Looking To The Future

Write a Review for Horizons Unfolding

Write a Review for The Twisted Road of One Writer

Write a Review for Misty Shadows of Hope

Write a Review for Shining Through Dark Clouds

Write a Review for Courage Rising

Write a Review for Renewed By Dawn

Write a Review for Journey To Joy

Write a Review for Courage To Stand

Thank you for making it possible for me to write The Bregdan Chronicles!


Ginny Dye

One thought on “Will You Help Me Write The Next Book??

  1. I am glad you continue recover. I will keep you on my prayer list. I myself am having a challenging year. I have had 4 surgeries this year and hope I am finished. Sonetimes the Lord gives out challenges to overcome. While I am recovering I am rereading your books. It has been delightful to revisit my ‘friends.’ I look forward to your next book.


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