It’s Never Too Late For…

Whether you celebrated Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Rohatsu, Winter Solstice, or one of the other holidays celebrated in December, I hope it has been a joyous time for you. 

One of my Christmas gifts was being reminded that it’s never too late for a dream to come true! 

Let me step back in time for a moment…

I was 11 years old.  Fifth grade was the time when band directors came to all the classes to recruit students into the elementary school band.  I was beside myself with excitement.  I had dreamed of this moment since I started school at Pinewood Elementary.

I eagerly joined the group of students interested in joining the band.  The director, a thin woman with intense eyes, was talking to each of us, finding out what instrument we wanted to play. 

I had no trouble visualizing myself in the band, playing what I dreamed of.  I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

My turn finally came.

“Well, Ginny, what instrument do you want to play?”

My moment had arrived.  “The drums,” I said loudly, with a smile on my face. Saying the words out loud made the dream more real.

The director did not match my smile.  Instead, she frowned.  “I’m sorry, Ginny, but that’s not possible.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  She hadn’t denied anyone else’s request.   “Why not?” I demanded.  “I want to play the drums.”

“Little girls don’t play the drums,” the director replied.  Her voice was kind, but there was a glint of steel in her eyes.

The year was 1968.

I was speechless as I stared at her.  I played baseball and football with my brother’s teams.  I climbed trees taller than anyone else could climb.  I was a straight A student.  Who was she to tell me what little girls could, or could not, do?

I finally found my voice.  “Why not?”  I repeated. 

“Little girls don’t play the drums,” the director repeated.  The unspoken message was that only little boys played the drums.  She reached out and touched my hands.  “You have such long, lovely fingers.  You would be perfect for the flute.”

I stared at her with horror.  Now, there is nothing wrong with the flute, but I knew what I wanted.

“I want to play the drums,” I said firmly.  I was not budging.

Neither was she.

“You can’t play the drums, Ginny,” she said, her voice just as firm as mine.  “If you want to play in the band, you’ll have to play the flute.”

I stared at her for a long moment and then turned away.  “I’m not playing in your stupid band,” I stated.

Just like that, my dream died.   Of course, through the years, things changed so that girls did play the drums, but by then, I had moved in different directions.  If I wasn’t at the barn with my horse, I was on the tennis courts.  I wasn’t interested in band.

But… I never gave up wanting to play the drums.  It just never seemed the right time.  People suggested a drum machine but it didn’t hold the allure of a full set of drums that I could bring to life.  I learned to play the guitar, and I play a mean Kazoo, but a set of drums wouldn’t fit into my life.

Until Christmas morning.

Yep, Suess bought me a drum set for my Christmas present.  The full deal.  Not one of those drum machines.  It’s a full set of beautiful black and red drums – with glowing golden cymbals.


I already feel sorry for her and our daughter because they will have to listen to me, but not sorry enough to keep me from drumming to my heart’s content! 

When she bought them, the store manager asked how long I had been playing. 

“She doesn’t play,” Suess answered.  “At least, not yet.  It’s always been a dream.”

I figure starting to play the drums at 65 is the perfect time!  Thankfully, I’ve learned to never listen to someone who tells me I can’t do something because of my gender, age, or anything else.  I take great joy in proving people wrong!

Who knows – maybe one day I’ll form a band and call it the Crone Oldies! 😊  Until then, I’m simply going to have great fun!

 It’s simply never too late for a dream to come true! 

Who knows what I’ll decide to do at 70.  75.  80.  85. 90. 95. 

There is no such thing as being too old to make a dream come true. 

So, of course, the question becomes… What dream will YOU decide to make happen? 

It’s not too late, you know!


Have you made me cry?? Or laugh?? Or made me so very glad I have the best readers in the world??

If you’ve written a review of one of my books, you probably did. 🙂 Every time I get a little overwhelmed by the pressures of research or writing, I go to Amazon and read my Reviews. They never fail to give me the motivation and energy to continue forward.

As I bring # 20 (Walking Toward Freedom) to life, it would mean the world to me if you would go and leave a review for one (or more) of The Bregdan Chronicles. I will consider it a personal message from you to me…

I’m even going to make it easy for you. 🙂

Write a Review for Storm Clouds Rolling In    

Write a Review for On To Richmond

Write a Review for Spring Will Come

Write a Review for Dark Chaos

Write a Review for The Last, Long Night

Write a Review for Carried Forward By Hope

Write a Review for Glimmers of Change

Write a Review for Shifted By The Winds

Write a Review for Always Forward

Write a Review for Walking Into The Unknown

Write a Review for Looking To The Future

Write a Review for Horizons Unfolding

Write a Review for The Twisted Road of One Writer

Write a Review for Misty Shadows of Hope

Write a Review for Shining Through Dark Clouds

Write a Review for Courage Rising

Write a Review for Renewed By Dawn

Write a Review for Journey To Joy

Write a Review for Courage To Stand

Thank you for making it possible for me to write The Bregdan Chronicles!


Ginny Dye

One thought on “It’s Never Too Late For…

  1. I’m sure this is not the right place to ask this, but I have looked everywhere I know and can’t find out when I might see Courage to Stand in Audible.


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