Why A Reader Called Me Out

Yes, I was called out by someone recently…

I had a very interesting interaction with a reader during the summer – one I thought would be best to share with all my readers.  This is the first chance I’ve had sufficient time to address it in the way it deserves – to provide the understanding I believe is necessary.

It began with a message asking me to have a conversation about using The Bregdan Chronicles as a resource for a home-schooling group.  My books are already read by many homeschoolers, so I was happy to talk to her. 

We had a wonderful conversation.  This reader is intelligent, articulate and caring – as well as a devoted mother.  The result was that she decided to meet with a larger group of the parents in order to decide on a course of action. 

I received a lengthy message after she did that.  I am including a portion of the message here:

… the 4 or so that said they have read at least several of the books agreed that you are kind/thoughtful and thorough in each subject that is approached…..however and this was big….

It was pointed out that blacks in the south, especially those descended from slavery tend to be VERY focused on faith and their relationship with the Lord.

One lady said it took her several books to figure it out. I am sorry to say that I totally missed that. I think that it is true that most of those coming out of slavery, large worship services, prayer with their children, regular Sunday gatherings, traveling pastors would have been so intertwined with their life that it is almost rewriting history to leave it out.

 I was shocked to see that I totally agree and hope I am not coming across as unkind or thoughtless. The general consensus was that without that, discussion would be constantly about what is missing.

 It is ok to discuss hard things and address realities. I LOVE the historical accuracy and I will continue to follow your books because I think you did an amazing job of researching and putting so much learning into them.

The first thing I should say was that I was NOT upset or offended by what this reader wrote to me.  She was speaking her truth with compassion and kindness.

However, that doesn’t mean I think she was right. 😊

Did I “write out” the deep faith of Blacks in the South – both during and after slavery?

I don’t believe so.

Sarah had a close relationship with the God she worshipped.  I’m stating this carefully.  Her faith was based on a higher being, but I think it safe to say her life in Africa did not leave her with an understanding of a white, Christian God.

As Reconstruction unfolds in the books, the impact of black churches in Richmond is revealed and explored. 

I did not, however, talk about the deep Christian faith among family members and individuals that resulted in family worship, etc.  Why? 

What I’m about to talk about next will probably be as much of a surprise to my black readers as to my white readers. After all, things have changed in more than 150 years. I suspect it will spark some debate.  I’m good with that. 😉

When slavery ended, it wasn’t necessarily true that blacks were eager to embrace the faith of the people who had held them in slavery for 200+ years. 

Would you?  I know I wouldn’t! 

Justifiably, there was suspicion of the faith and Bible (especially in the South) that had condemned millions to slavery – believing they were less than human.

It took a long time for Christianity to become a haven of faith in the South.  It certainly didn’t happen during the time I was writing about – however much we might want to believe it did.

I’ve promised historical accuracy.  I do my best to provide it. 

But what about all the churches that existed in the South?

Churches represented freedom because they were the first institution in the South fully controlled by African-Americans.  White men didn’t see church as a threat so they allowed them to create churches and congregations.

Churches – especially in the South –were the only safe meeting place for freed slaves.  In Richmond, Virginia there were many churches with large congregations, but they mostly met together as a way to fight for equal rights in the new South.

They met together to form a strong voting block to change laws in the South.

They met together to find ways to increase skills and education among the freed slaves, in order to prepare them for the opportunity of a better life. 

Churches had huge secret societies that were formed to undo the terrible things that centuries of slavery had created.  There was no place they could meet safely – except for a church.

The black gospel music was created to empower slaves and freed slaves to fight for freedom and find a way to hang on to hope. 

Black pastors played a major role in Reconstruction politics.

It’s also important to understand the vast difference between the black churches in the North and the black churches in the South.  I’m not going to go into depth in this Blog, but it might be something you want to research on your own.

Suffice it to say, the northern churches (in states where slavery had been abolished long before) had much longer to transform white Christianity into a faith that reflected their heritage and who they were.

I was called out for not portraying the faith of blacks in the South after the end of the war. 

I would certainly agree that Christian faith, family worship, and devotion plays a much more central role in black’s lives now, but not during the time I was writing about.

To “write it in” would be an inaccurate portrayal of history. 

There is so much more I could say, but I would simply be espousing my own beliefs, not representing history.  That’s not what the Bregdan Chronicles are all about.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  😊

Feel free to hit reply to respond.

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I’m having fun bringing this book to life!  You can Preorder if you read on Kindle.

Click Here to preorder.  It will show up on your Kindle at 12:01 AM on January 23rd.

Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t allow print readers to preorder – at least not yet.  I keep hoping that will change.  However, the print version will go live at the same time.  You won’t have to wait long to have it in your hands. 😊

Audio listeners will have to wait longer, but it’s coming!

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Audio Version of Walking Toward Freedom

The long wait is almost over! 

Michelle, my narrator, has dealt with a lot of health issues during this recording, but she persevered and made it happen.  I am so grateful! 

She’s going to spend the next few months resting and recuperating, with the hopes she can continue with Gateway To A New Beginning.

The audio book has been approved and is now making its way through Audible’s system.  The minute it is LIVE on Amazon, I’ll send out an email to let you know.

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How Many Balls of Clay Do You Know?

A man was exploring caves by the seashore. In one of the caves, he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled clay balls and left them out in the sun to bake.

They didn’t look like much, but they intrigued the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him. As he strolled along the beach, he would throw the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he could. He liked to watch the splash they made, and he thought at least he had found something to do with the useless balls of clay.

Everything changed when he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open on a rock. Inside was a beautiful, precious stone! He stared wide-eyed at the sparkling gem.

Excited, the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls. Each contained a similar treasure. He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in the 20 or so clay balls he had left.

Then it struck him…

He had been on the beach a long time. He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the clay balls with their hidden treasure into the ocean waves. Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of thousands. 

He stared out at the waves as he realized what he had just thrown away!

So, what’s the moral of this story…?

It’s like that with people.  Most of them are clay balls. We look at people, maybe even ourselves, and we see a clay ball. They may not look like much on the outside.  They may not always be beautiful or sparkling, so we discount them.  

We see them as less important than someone who is more beautiful.  More stylish.  More popular.  They may not be wealthy or smart.  The problem is, we have not taken the time to find the treasure hidden inside that person.

Precious stonesThere is a treasure in every person you know.  

I know it can sometimes be hard to see.  But if you will take the time to get to know that person, often times the clay ball will crack open, and you will discover a brilliant jewel who will enrich your life.  You will discover an amazing friend and an amazing person. 

Who can you think of right now that you see as nothing but a Clay Ball? 

Will you accept my challenge today to see that person as a potential treasure?  Will you do something today to discover more about who that person really is – try to find the treasure in them?

My hope is that you will not come to the end of your life and find out you have thrown away a fortune in friendships because the gems were hidden in bits of clay.  May you take the time to see ALL the people in your life as special people.  

May you realize that YOU are a priceless treasure, as well!


And now I have something for you.  I actually did this a year ago, but I’m learning many of my readers don’t know about it, so I’m going to make sure you do – including this information in every BLOG!

 A group of books on a shelf

Description automatically generated

I realize the cost of a series with 20 books (with many more to come) can become quite expensive. For that reason, I decided to put ALL the Bregdan Chronicles into the Kindle Unlimited Program.
 If you know what that is – you’re cheering. 🙂
 If you don’t know what it is… You can pay $10.99 a month and get all the books you can read that are enrolled in Kindle Unlimited for FREE! It’s amazing! 

 I’ve been part of Kindle Unlimited as a reader for a long time! If you want to join it, just go to Amazon and put Kindle Unlimited Subscription in the Search Bar. Soon, you’ll have millions of books to choose from. 🙂

 To find all the Bregdan Chronicles, go to www.DiscoverTheBregdanChronicles.com


  Have you made me cry?? Or laugh?? Or made me so very glad I have the best readers in the world??

If you’ve written a review of one of my books, you probably did. 🙂 Every time I get a little overwhelmed by the pressures of research or writing, I go to Amazon and read my Reviews. They never fail to give me the motivation and energy to continue forward.

As I bring # 21 (Gateway To A New Beginning) to life, it would mean the world to me if you would go and leave a review for one (or more) of The Bregdan Chronicles. I will consider it a personal message from you to me…

I’m even going to make it easy for you. 🙂

Write a Review for Storm Clouds Rolling In     

Write a Review for On To Richmond

Write a Review for Spring Will Come

Write a Review for Dark Chaos

Write a Review for The Last, Long Night

Write a Review for Carried Forward By Hope

Write a Review for Glimmers of Change

Write a Review for Shifted By The Winds

Write a Review for Always Forward

Write a Review for Walking Into The Unknown

Write a Review for Looking To The Future

Write a Review for Horizons Unfolding

Write a Review for The Twisted Road of One Writer

Write a Review for Misty Shadows of Hope

Write a Review for Shining Through Dark Clouds

Write a Review for Courage Rising

Write a Review for Renewed By Dawn

Write a Review for Journey To Joy

Write a Review for Courage To Stand

Write a Review for Walking Toward Freedom

Thank you for making it possible for me to write The Bregdan Chronicles!


Ginny Dye

4 thoughts on “Why A Reader Called Me Out

  1. Ginny, I’m totally with you…you really do a lot of research, and also FEEL our and recognize the history this country took… Too much has been destroyed lately to hide truth…but history truth will remain. THANK YOU for your continued endeavor of writing a wonderful series with much truth for us to hold on to! I hope more people can see the difference of the style of how you write compared to many others…. And I pray your books…with tremendous truthful history is read by young people of today…empathy will build if they realize the points you make…bravo for standing up for American truthful history of what it must have been like in those years you portray.



  2. First I want to thank you for putting the Bregden chronicles in Kindle unlimited. I just started reading your books (I’m on book 2). I love that your books make me think about what I believe. Another thing I love about what I’ve read so far is the historical accuracy. I am curious though where do you find the information about the faith of southern slaves. What you say about it makes total sense. I’d love to read more about the subject but I don’t know where to find it. Thank you again for making this series available on Kindle unlimited.


  3. I read your book 13 about your own journey and loved it. It inspired me to get one of your journals. I believe it said there were 16 to pick from but I only see one. Just want to make sure I am not missing a site where they are displayed. I am reading book 14 today. I will eventually go back and leave reviews. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for the on-going history lessons and your incredible inspiration.


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