My 7 Day Gift to YOU!

The next 7 days are my gift to you!

You may have already received an email about a complimentary gift yesterday, but this is the one you were supposed to receive, so I’m sending it now.  You have also received letter # 2.  #3 is coming in a little while.

The first thing you need to know is that I am going to continue writing The Bregdan Chronicles, but I’m taking a break.  You WILL receive # 21 (Gateway To A New Beginning) but I’m not willing to put a release date on it.  To understand why, CLICK HERE to read my last Blog.

The fact that I’m writing this is something of a miracle.  I took a turn for the worse after I wrote my last Blog.  I almost died 3 times.  Suess and I said our good-byes.  But…  Evidently God wasn’t ready for me yet.  I’m here.  I’m weak, but I’m getting better.  And, I’m more passionate than ever about what I’m here to tell you!

You are receiving this email because you are a part of the Bregdan Chronicles Family  It’s because of all of you that I have the privilege of creating and writing all I do, so I wanted you to be among the first to receive my newsletter – my gift! 

In my last Blog, I wrote:  While my health may not support the pressure of preorders and book release dates, I believe it WILL support a new project I’m bringing to life.  I can’t live without creating and making a difference, but I need to do it in a way I can handle. 

I’m not going to tell you about it right now, and I’m not going to give you a release date, but I will tell you that my next email will be an invitation to all my amazing readers. I hope it will be soon! 

This is my personal Gateway To A New Beginning – A Gateway I am very excited about! 

It took me longer than I hoped, but here is my GIFT to you!  If you’re one of my male readers, I encourage you to share this with the females in your life!

I Am A Bregdan Woman!

This is a daily newsletter being hosted on Substack – a fabulous platform that will allow me to reach women around the world!

You are a Bregdan Woman if you understand that YOUR life will help determine the course of history – both Good and Bad.  You understand every action you take will reflect in someone else’s life. 

Someone else’s decisions.  Someone else’s future.

YOU are the reason I have created I Am A Bregdan Woman.

What is a Bregdan Woman & why do I want to be one?

Good question!

It was my readers that coined Bregdan Woman – telling me the characters in my books made them aspire to be a Bregdan Woman.  Since the first email telling me that, the term has taken on a life of its own.  

All of you have made it possible for me to write the best-selling historical fiction series called The Bregdan Chronicles.  As of January 2024, there are 20 books, but more are coming.

I don’t know any woman that doesn’t want to be a Bregdan Woman – even if you don’t know what that yet means.  I believe every woman longs to live their life with courage, hope, purpose, boldness, and compassion. 

I believe every woman wants to understand their power to create history.

Is it true for you?

Do you long to know your life matters – not only today, but throughout all of history?

Me too! 

My passion through this daily email is to inspire every woman to be a Bregdan Woman.  My vision is to reach women worldwide – releasing the power of Bregdan Women everywhere!

How to do that??

I Am A Bregdan Woman will introduce you to the women in my life.

I wouldn’t be who I am without the influence of thousands of other women.  No, of course I don’t know each of these women personally.  Well, at least not in the flesh.  I believe I know them personally because I know, and have written, their stories… I’ve researched their lives… I’ve seen where they came from, and where they ended up. 

I learn about new women every day.

These women gave me hope when I had none.  They gave me courage when I was terrified.  They motivated me to press through when I wanted to (and sometimes did) curl up into a fetal position and give up on life.  They helped me overcome the abuse of my childhood and become a powerful woman.  Not perfect – but oh, so powerful! 

They taught me that my life creates history every single day.

All of this will be blended into I Am A Bregdan Woman.

If you are receiving this email, I’m giving you the first week of daily newsletters for FREE.

Yesterday, you received an email entitled Complimentary Submission to I Am A Bregdan Woman.   If you didn’t receive it, reply to this email and let me know you want your gift.

I’m committed to being a DAILY voice in your life as you strive to be the woman you dream of being.  The women who have created who I am will also become your daily inspiration.

At the end of the week, you can choose to become a paid subscriber for only $5 a month.

Or… you can continue on as a free subscriber and simply receive one newsletter a week. 

So… where did Bregdan come from?

When I was trying to decide what to call my historical fiction series, I was searching online for different names and terms.  I stumbled on Bregdan.  Bregdan is a Gaelic term for weaving and braiding.  I fell in love with it instantly because it reflects my beliefs about history.  I believe every life that has been lived until today is a part of the woven braid of life.  I believe it takes every person’s story to create history.

Before I started writing the Bregdan Chronicles, I created The Bregdan Principle.

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And, yes, that means you.

Women are incredibly powerful.  I believe we have the ability to make a massive impact on the world… and on the lives around us.  

Every woman longs to live their life with courage, hope, purpose, boldness and compassion, and so much more.

I know I do.

I don’t believe I’m an expert on how to be a Bregdan Woman.

I don’t believe I have all the answers for how you will become a Bregdan Woman.

I’ll tell you in advance that I don’t always live out the things I’m going to write about.  I try… but I’m human.  I mess up.  I fall short.  I don’t always do the things I know I should do. 

I struggle with the belief that when I write this newsletter, people will scrutinize me more closely and look for the ways I’m not being a Bregdan Woman.  As a very private person, that’s not particularly appealing to me.


So be it.

I’m choosing to write this newsletter because I believe it’s critically important.

I believe these words should be heard.

I believe that doing this will change me as much as it’s going to change everyone who reads it.

I suppose I even believe it’s a good thing that people will scrutinize me.  Perhaps it will motivate me to work even harder at becoming, and being, the woman I long to be!

Bottom line?  We’re each on a journey.  I’ve decided it’s okay to take the risk of walking this journey with every single woman who reads this newsletter. 

This is your time to break through into becoming the woman you long to be. 

Are you ready for the Journey?

Here’s what you can look forward to for the next seven days:

Day # 2  – Meet the young woman who overcame her fear of sharks after losing her arm!

Day # 3 – This dairy farmer from the windswept Nebraska Plains taught me how to leave a remarkable legacy.

Day # 4 – She was only 20 years old when she took a risk that turned her life, and an industry, upside down!

Day # 5 – You will not believe how this university professor spent her retirement years!

Day # 6 – Ruby was determined to raise quiet, refined Hell!

Day # 7 – Could I really make the magnet true?


Why am I doing this?  I received this email a few minutes ago:

Such an inspiring story. I am recently widowed. My husband died March 2 after a fifteen year battle with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. He went through seven harsh treatment plans while working full-time. His amazing calmness and kindness drew people to him. He was able to impact so many people in every aspect of his life – family, friends, coworkers, bosses, neighbors, and fellow believers. I am finding my new norm. Thank you for these wonderful real life accounts of women overcoming incredible situations! 



5 thoughts on “My 7 Day Gift to YOU!

  1. Hello, it’s good to hear from you. I am sorry you are so sick with this covid. You are a strong and confident woman. I know that you can beat this. I did not receive a recent email of the complimentary gift. I am so glad that you consider me as a friend. I would like to thank you in advance for this 7 day gift. Woman with gifts, woman with testimonials, women with life stories to tell. What a wonderful news letter this will be. Women from all walks of life, telling there stories. I will look in my spam folder for your previous letters. Thank you Ginny Dye

    Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android


  2. Thank you for this wonderful gift. I am so sorry you have been so ill. You are so generous to share your thoughts and inspiration with us all. I love your messages and positive encouragement. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you.


  3. You are inspiring. I look forward to your next book whenever it is ready and am interested in all you have to say. Best wishes for renewed health and well-being.


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