When I Almost Died in March, Things Became Very Clear!

One week ago, I released I Am A Bregdan Woman.

The reality of that is a miracle for me.

 I mentioned in my last Blog that I almost died 3 times in March.  Quite frankly, I was ready.  I was so tired of being sick.  I was tired of constantly crashing, no matter what I did to reclaim my health.  I was tired of hurting.  Tired of not being able to do what I love to do. 

I love life, but living as an invalid has no interest for me.  I’m a “live life full-out” type of person.  If I couldn’t do that, I was ready to go.  I wasn’t afraid.

I told Suess good-bye 3 times. 

I prayed I would die in my sleep.  I was stunned and disappointed when I woke up the next morning. 

Every time.

The final time, I was more than stunned and disappointed.  I was angry.  I didn’t know why I had to keep existing – sick and tired.

And then…

A miracle happened. 

I’m not going to describe it to you.  Many of you would have a difficult time believing me, but that’s not why I’m not going to tell you about it.

It was MY miracle. 😊  Because it was so amazing and powerful, I’m going to keep it to myself (yes, Suess knows!) and close to my heart.  They are moments I will never forget.

I can breathe again. 

I can move again – still slowly, but my strength is returning.

I can think again.

Most importantly, which brings me back to the first line of this Blog, I can create again! 

Three years ago, I wrote something in my Journal:

My goal is to empower women to harness the true impact of their lives, their decision, and their actions.

I’ve spent most of my life working to do that, but as I have aged, matured, and connected with a growing number of women around the world, my passion has grown.

I know the Bregdan Chronicles do that.  I will always keep writing them, but it’s become clear to me that it’s not enough. 

I long to be a DAILY voice in women’s lives.  (And MEN – I’ve had so many write me in the last week to tell me how much they appreciate the I Am A Bregdan Woman letters!)

I know the power of what I am writing.

I know the power of the women I’m bringing to life through these letters. 

I invite you to check them out for yourself!

Last week, I released I Am A Bregdan Woman!

I gave everyone a FREE week of letters.  What fun it has been!

Now, a week later, EVERY woman (or man) in the world can receive a weekly newsletter for FREE.  If you subscribe for FREE, you’ll get a letter every Wednesday.

But… I’m going to write a daily newsletter.  I’m committed to being a DAILY voice in your life as you strive to be the woman you dream of being.  You can choose to become a paid subscriber, and receive everything.

A subscription is only $5 a month!

You’ll receive all the letters – as well as having the knowledge you’re making a difference for scores of women around the world as Suess and I finance businesses for women in undeveloped countries through KIVA.

CLICK HERE to learn more and subscribe for a FREE membership!


But this is my BLOG, so of course I have a story to share with you today!  This story actually comes from a reader who sent me an email

She Was Determined To Go To College!

You won’t find this woman in your history books, yet her actions and determination impacted history, as well as the many lives she touched.

Let’s call her Abby.  One of my readers; I’m delighted she shared her story with me.

Abby grew up dreaming of going to college.  She loved to read, and she loved to learn.  School was a complete joy.

Unfortunately, her life didn’t support her dream.  She was the third child of a middle-class working family.  She had two older brothers, and four younger siblings.  Her job was to help take care of the younger children, and work around the house.

She managed to do all that, and still excel at school.  When she was preparing to enter high school, she chose college path courses that would prepare her to be a nurse. 

She never got to take those courses.

Her parents sat her down and explained they couldn’t afford to send her to college.  It would be better if she took business classes, found a job as a secretary, and focused on getting married.

Abby was shocked and heartbroken.  With one conversation, she saw her dream die before her eyes.  At least her dream at that moment.  She shed many tears, but the whole time she was crying, she vowed that she would go to college, and she would graduate.  Even if it took her the rest of her life!

She had no idea she could have asked a school counselor for help with student loans.  Her parents had said she wasn’t going to college – she wasn’t going to college.

She followed the path her parents told her to take.  She took business classes – including accounting, typing and shorthand. 

She got married very young and had three children.

She also never gave up on her dream.

Five years after she graduated from high school, she went to college – working full-time at her business job.  She took on a second job to pay for her classes, caring for her children during all of it.

Her dream pulled her forward.  When she was exhausted… when her children were sick… when she wasn’t sure she could keep going. Her dream carried her through all the challenges.

While other students didn’t show up for class, she never missed one.  She valued education, and she wanted to be sure to get her money’s worth. 

It took Abby eight years to get her college degree, but she did it!  Her husband and children cheered the loudest when she walked down the aisle in her cap and gown. 

They celebrated with her when she quit her other jobs and became a nurse.

Abby had made her dream come true! 

Funny things about making dreams come true.  Often, because you’ve proven to yourself what you can do, they inspire a new dream. 

When Abby was 40, she went back to school to get her master’s degree in nursing. 

Once again, her children, who were now also college graduates, cheered the loudest. 

Abby told me she is proud to be a Bregdan Woman.  In her words… “A Bregdan Woman never gives up, she stays strong, and she is educated.”

I couldn’t agree more, Abby! 

What dreams have you not been able to fulfill? 

What are you willing to do to make them happen? 

How will your life change if you make your dreams come true?

I believe in you!


If you decide to become a Paid Subscriber, you’ll receive these letters in the next week:

Letter 9 – Everyone knew she was a failure.

Letter 10 – She waited until the end of their war to take action.

Letter 11 – This woman conquered insurmountable obstacles on her way to becoming the Queen of ??

Letter 12 – She started as a penniless, single mom.

Letter 13 – Announcing a new addition!

Letter 14 – She refused to let Spinal Bifada dictate her future.

Letter 15 –  There were as many people as there were mosquitoes!


If you’re a new reader, or you didn’t open my BLOG that explains when I’ll release Book #21 (Gateway To A New Beginning)…



Thank you for being on the Journey of Life with me!  I appreciate every single one of my readers.  That means YOU!



One thought on “When I Almost Died in March, Things Became Very Clear!

  1. Ginny, from the first Bregdan Chronicle book Storm Clouds Rolling In, I was transformed and with each new book that transformation continues. I continue to harness the impact of my choices, good and bad and strive to make better choices. Meeting you and Suess years ago helped me see the people you write about in the Chronicles can be lived. I am sorry you experienced what you expressed here but rejoice that you made it. I, for one, am truly on a journey of peace due to you, your gift, and your vulnerability. Love to you and Suess! I am wishing I could have supported you both during March. 


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