1st WINNER and the KEY to a great 2018

HAPPY 2018!!

I am announcing the first winner of the 4 Kindle Fires I’m giving away, but first…  I talk to so many people who struggle with their purpose – and with discovering what it is.  Some of them are young, some of them are middle-aged, and some are in their 80’s.  If you are struggling with what your purpose is you are NOT alone!

Resolutions are such a big deal this time of the year, but I think it’s far more important to simply resolve to live each day fulfilling your PURPOSE.  However, if you don’t know it.

I wrote this a long time ago.  It is STILL true!

Purpose. So many people struggle to know what theirs is. Purpose is the why – why you are here. It’s knowing what your special calling in life is. Your purpose is what makes you unique – the special gifts and abilities you were born with, and can contribute to the world.

Young or old – it can be tough to know what your purpose is. But it may be the most important thing you discover about yourself. I believe your lasting happiness depends on it. Knowing your purpose will fuel your efforts and give you the drive to keep pressing on, no matter the challenges you face.

Some people think you can’t know your purpose when you are young, or they think if they’re older that it’s too late for it to make any difference. Nonsense! It’s never too late to live the best life you can live. It’s never too late to live with the feeling you are fulfilling your destiny.

Here’s a thought to wrap your brain around: Everyone dies, but not everyone really lives.

Too many people flounder through life – waiting, hoping that the moment will come when their purpose becomes clear. In the meantime, they are simply going through the motions of living, never experiencing the exciting spark of aliveness that comes from knowing your purpose.

What about you? Do you know why you’re here? Do you wake up every day, excited about your life? If you don’t, you’re not alone, but I believe you can change that. Finding your purpose is a process requiring self-reflection and patience. It seems unfair that you don’t just KNOW why you are here, but life is not always fair (surprise, surprise!).

Here’s the first thing I want you to do. (Yes, as you read my BLOG, I’ll occasionally ask you to do something. Whether you do it is totally up to you! I’ll make sure they are always little requests..)

Pull out a sheet of paper and write, “How I Want to Be Remembered.” Then add some columns:  Friends; Spouse; Children; Co-Workers; Community; the World. If you go to church, belong to a team, or another special group, add them in.

Now…List all the qualities, deeds and characteristics you would like to be remembered for. It’s not too late…

When you have done that, go back. Find the pattern that shows you your highest values. Discover what drives you. Determine your purpose.

People ask me, “Once I determine my purpose, does that mean I quit whatever I’m doing to pursue that?”

Maybe. Maybe not.

I never tell people what I think they should do. Each person has to make their decisions about how they live their life. The important thing is to spend enough time with yourself to learn your purpose, and then make your decisions around that knowledge.

It’s also important to realize that your Purpose can change.  Your purpose at 60 might not be the same purpose at 25.  And it may change again at 75… or at ANY age.  Don’t stick yourself in a box.  Life changes… YOU change… your PURPOSE changes…

But whether or not it changes, I believe all of us should be able to wake up every day with the excitement of PURPOSE.

It really is possible.  Let’s see what YOUR list holds. 🙂



Now it’s time to talk about the Pre-Release of # 12 (Horizons Unfolding)! I announced the Pre-Release 1 week ago.  Because I have the most fabulous readers in the world, the book had claimed Best Seller status on Amazon in 90 minutes. 🙂  Thank you!

I’m also excited to announce that the FIRST winner of the Kindle Fire is Linda Burger of Lanhorne, Pennsylvania!


I’ve sent her an email so you can let me know what color she wants the cover to be.  As soon as I hear I’ll order it from Amazon, and she’ll have it in 2 days.

But… I have 3 more to give away…

Pre-Release PRIZES!

Pre-Release Image

It goes against my belief system to announce a release without having some prizes!  I’ll give away 100+ books for the official release date of January 27th, but for all those who want to Pre-Order, I want you to have Prizes too!  Read this carefully so you can join in the fun…
Kindle Fire Image

I apologize in advance that Amazon is only set up to Pre-Order on Kindle.  All of you who buy the Print version, you will be able to register for the book Giveaway as soon as Horizons Unfolding is Live!


I’m GIVING AWAY 4 KINDLE FIRES over the next 4 weeks – 1 each week.  (January 2, 9, 16 & 23)

It’s very simple… If you Pre-ordered Looking To The Future this week (before January 1st) you were part of the drawing I did this morning – and you will also be entered into each of the other 3 drawings.

If you order it this week, you’ll be entered into the 2nd drawing, as well as the 3rd and 4th drawing.

Bottom line… the sooner you order it, the more chances you will have to WIN one of the Kindle Fire!

AND… you will automatically be entered into the drawing that will happen on January 27th for all the books I will be signing and giving away!

Here’s how it works…  You’re going to have to click to 2 different places, but it is VERY EASY!

You can go ahead and purchase the book now.  CLICK HERE.  It will be delivered to your Kindle, or other reading device, at 12:01 on January 27, 2018.

Once you have purchased, you will CLICK HERE to go to the page to register for the Prize!

The winners will be announced each Tuesday!

Right now, it is only available as an E-book on Pre-Order because Create Space (the company I use for my print books) does not offer a Pre-Release order program.  Sorry, but there is nothing I can do about it! 😦

My print readers will be able to order it on the 27th as soon as you wake up. 🙂

Click Here to Pre-order NOW!


And then come back here to click the link above to enter for the Kindle Fire Prizes!

The next 12 months are going to be “Writing Months” – you can anticipate # 13 sooner than normal, as well. 🙂



11 book banner
Have you made me cry?? Or laugh?? Or made me so very glad I have the best readers in the world??

If you’ve written a review of one of my books, you probably did. 🙂 Every time I get a little overwhelmed by the pressures of research or writing, I go to Amazon and read my Reviews. They never fail to give me the motivation and energy to continue forward.

As I bring # 12 (Horizons Unfolding) to life, it would mean the world to me if you would go and leave a review for one (or more) of The Bregdan Chronicles. I will consider it a personal message from you to me…

I’m even going to make it easy for you. 🙂

Write a Review for Storm Clouds Rolling In

Write a Review for On To Richmond

Write a Review for Spring Will Come

Write a Review for Dark Chaos

Write a Review for The Last, Long Night

Write a Review for Carried Forward By Hope

Write a Review for Glimmers of Change

Write a Review for Shifted By The Winds

Write a Review for Always Forward

Write a Review for Walking Into The Unknown

Write a Review for Looking To The Future

Some of the reviews I received this week  (they brought such joy to my heart!):

Ms Dye has not ever disappointed my eagerness in further understanding of the local demographics in our great State of Virginia. I personally have a positive family heritage in the area that had similar equality in political and economical values as did the character as Carrie’s family did. Ms. Dye has appeared to have always done invaluable research in the history of science, agriculture, politics, medicine and pharmaceutical which are each period specific. The book will keep you from accomplishing more important work other than relaxation! Enjoy!



As an educator, retired with an MA in American History and having studied the Civil War, I appreciate the the historical value, believable characters, attention to important details and the variety of topics covered throughout the novel. I have read all 11 books and look forward to the new addition in this series at the end of 2018.


I love reading this series. Ginny always includes parts of history many people don’t want to talk about. I’m always amazed at how far we have come and how we take our rights for granted, at how hard those before us had to fight. It motivates me to want to participate and not take for granted the rights I have and how I need to fight for those that will come after me. I also love to see the hope in the lives of her characters and how they move forward no matter the obstacles they face.


I am in love with the Bregdan Chronicles and thrilled that book #12 is in the works! I feel like the characters have become part of my extended family. I have learned so much about pre and post Civil War history, and I am always amazed at how Ginny Dye intertwines so many social issues of the era into her stories. Whenever anyone asks for book recommendations, these are the first ones I suggest. If you are a lover of historical fiction, you will love the Bregdan Chronicles! Can’t wait to pre-order #12!


Thank you for making it possible for me to write The Bregdan Chronicles!


Ginny Dye


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